Developing a Social Media Strategy to Drive Brand Awareness & Bring ROI

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By Hiba Akbar

In 2024, having a well-designed social media strategy aligned with your business goals has become increasingly important. Social media platforms offer much more than just communication channels – they are powerful tools that can drive brand recognition and yield significant returns on investment.

Businesses can enhance their audience engagement, establish and strengthen brand recognition and loyalty, and increase conversions by utilizing appropriate social media strategies. From creating compelling content to building a community of loyal followers, a solid social media strategy can help businesses stay ahead of the competition and achieve their objectives. 

A survey among global social media marketers in January 2023 revealed that lead generation and audience reach were the primary reasons for investing in new platforms, with 33% of respondents choosing them. ~ Statista

This blog explores the benefits of developing a social media strategy for 2024. As the digital landscape is continuously evolving, to be successful in the competitive market, businesses must understand and make use of the potential of social media.

Understanding the Social Media Landscape in 2024

As 2024 approaches, businesses and marketers must understand the evolving dynamics of social media platforms to develop effective strategies that resonate with users and capitalize on emerging trends.

A 2023 survey revealed that 78% of Nigerians use social media for news, while only 23% of Japanese users do the same, despite many not trusting these platforms as media sources. ~ Statista

Let’s explore the fundamental aspects shaping the social media landscape in 2024:

  • Understanding the strengths and specifics of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is essential for content and engagement initiatives.
  • Social media user behavior constantly evolves, with short-form content, live videos, and interactive features becoming more prominent.
  • Social media usage is a popular online activity, with over 4.59 billion people globally using it in 2022, and it is projected to reach nearly six billion by 2027.
  • Social media platforms prioritize video content, including short-form videos, stories, and live streaming, as powerful tools for user engagement.
  • Platforms enable the creation of niche communities and interest-based groups, offering targeted engagement and specialized content opportunities.
  • Brands that support social and environmental causes can attract conscious consumers. 
  • Over 70% of adults in Nigeria, Thailand, Malaysia, and South Africa used social media. People spent an average of 151 minutes daily on social media in 2023.

How to Create a Social Media Strategy

A thoughtful social media strategy is essential for any successful digital marketing plan, as it improves brand visibility and contributes to business success.

Here are the steps to help you create an effective social media strategy:

How to create a social media strategy


1. Defining Brand’s Objectives

Establishing clear and measurable objectives is essential for a successful social media strategy. It ensures alignment with the business’s mission and drives increased brand awareness, website traffic, and product sales.

2. Target Audience Analysis

Understanding your target audience is crucial for a successful social media strategy. By defining demographics, psychographics, and behaviors, you can create content that resonates with their needs and preferences. This knowledge enhances social media effectiveness and fosters more robust relationships with potential customers. Continuous analysis and adaptation refine strategies accordingly.

3. Crafting Engaging and Shareable Content

A successful social media strategy relies on creating engaging, emotionally meaningful content that informs and connects with the audience. Key elements include visual appeal, tailored content, user interaction, and storytelling. 

4. Leveraging Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing on social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok is a powerful tool for boosting brand visibility and credibility. By collaborating with relevant influencers and understanding influencer marketing trends, businesses can tap into their audience, build trust, and cultivate authentic connections. 

Businesses can also leverage influencer marketing tools to enhance their social media marketing

Influencer marketing market


5. Incorporating Social Advertising

Social media advertising is vital for businesses to seek targeted reach and increased brand visibility. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer robust solutions, including interactive formats like ads and sponsored posts. It optimizes advertising efforts for maximum ROI, critical in today’s competitive landscape.

Ad spending is expected to grow significantly in 2028, with mobile social media advertising achieving the highest value of 212.68 billion U.S. dollars. ~ Statista

6. Choose your social platforms

Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and TikTok are popular social media platforms for businesses. These platforms cater to unique audiences and offer special features, making strategic choices crucial for reaching the right people on the proper channels.

Facebook, owned by Meta Platforms, boasts over three billion monthly active users, surpassing one billion registered accounts in Q2 2023, with four major platforms. ~ Statista

graph showing active users of multiple social media platforms


7. Make a plan for customer service

An effective customer service strategy on social media is essential. It involves clear plans, team members, transparency, and professionalism to address customer inquiries, concerns, and feedback promptly.

Benefits of Having a Social Media Strategy

A well-planned social media strategy can give several advantages to individuals and businesses.

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of having a social media strategy:

Benefits of having a social media strategy


  • Increased Brand Awareness: Strategic social media use enables businesses to expand their reach while consistent brand messaging and engagement create a strong brand presence.
  • Audience Engagement: Social media helps target specific groups of people by providing tools for engaging content tailored to audience preferences.
  • Improved Website Traffic: Social media significantly boosts website traffic by sharing blog posts, product pages, and other content, leading to more visitors.
  • Facilitates Influencer Partnerships: Partnering with influencers is essential to any successful social media strategy. It not only enhances brand reach and credibility but also helps to establish a prominent online presence.
  • Measurable ROI: Metrics and analytics tools enable businesses to measure the effectiveness of their social media strategies. It allows for decision-making and optimization.
  • Global Reach: Social media enables businesses to increase their global reach, tapping into international markets and enabling them to reach a larger audience.


In 2024, businesses must be strategic in their approach to social media marketing to drive brand awareness and ROI. Companies may develop a path to success in the digital world by understanding the ever-changing landscape, creating engaging content, using influencer partnerships, and remaining flexible. 

Businesses can be successful by setting clear objectives, identifying target audiences, and adapting to emerging technologies. Incorporating social media advertising, influencer collaborations, and data analytics enhances the efficacy of these strategies. It’s not just about being visible on social platforms. It is also about creating meaningful connections and improving the user experience.

Developing a successful social media strategy demands constant fine-tuning. You must proactively listen to user feedback, analyze metrics, and adapt to stay ahead of the competition. A strong strategy can increase your brand’s reach, interaction, and ROI.

To learn more about social media and digital marketing, visit the Daily Digital Grind!


How do you develop a social media strategy that drives brand awareness and ROI?

An effective social media strategy involves setting goals, researching competitors, selecting channels, developing content, monitoring and adjusting plans, and optimizing content.

How can social media improve ROI?

Social media can boost ROI by promoting targeted engagement and brand visibility. Businesses can create content, advertise, and use analytics tools to measure campaign performance.

How does social media drive brand awareness?

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow businesses to showcase their brand personality, share compelling narratives, and interact directly with users. The viral nature of social sharing expands brand visibility and makes it an effective strategy for driving brand awareness.