10 Best Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners in 2024

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By Hiba Akbar

Freelance writing has become an infamous career option for many people seeking relaxation and freedom in their work. With the ascent of the internet and digital platforms, opportunities and options for freelance writers have grown exponentially. 

In this article, we will be exploring the best freelance writing jobs, including their benefits, challenges, and future aspects.


  • As a newbie in the field of freelance content writing, it’s essential to begin with creating your portfolio by taking on a lower-paying position and then moving gradually up to a more paying, renowned gig. 
  • Content writing, copywriting, blog writing, and technical writing are just a few of the many available freelance writing jobs. Consultants can secure positions through position sheets, content plants, virtual entertainment, and their very own organizations.
  • Developing strong writing skills, remaining organized and productive, and concentrating on providing clients with high-quality work are all essential to freelance writer success.

To learn how to create a portfolio, see How to Create a Freelance Writing Portfolio in 5 Easy Steps

8 Best Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners

Discussed below are the best suggestions for a beginner to start up their first freelance writing job.

  • SolidGigs
  • Contena
  • ClearVoice
  • Vollna
  • Flexjobs
  • Freelance Writing Jobs
  • Working Nomads
  • Upwork
  • We Work Remotely
  • Journalism Jobs

In order to earn online, you can also go through the Top 5 Websites for Freelancers to Make Money Online.

1. SolidGigs


SolidGigs comes in at the top websites, offering beginner-level freelance writing jobs. Whether you’re into publishing content for a blog, copywriting, or online entertainment, you’ll secure extraordinary composing positions with SolidGigs.

They manually sort through several websites each week, offering freelance work, and then present their subscribers with the top 1% to 2% of freelance job opportunities.

Access to their list costs just a small monthly fee, and they will not take a cut of your client payments, which is great for new freelance writers. If you’ve been doing it for a while, you know how long it takes to find a job. So, weigh the time spent on it against the time you’ll save.

2. Contena


Contena is a job board you should utilize if you’re looking for a site with jobs for freelance writing and jobs you can use in your career. Not only does Contena post excellent opportunities for beginning freelancers to bring in cash, but it also posts significant, high-quality job opportunities.

A $7,000-per-month writing job as a freelancer was the most recent job listing at the time of posting. Consider the potential financial rewards of working from home.

3. ClearVoice


Freelancers can get themselves signed up for ClearVoice‘s platform, which helps them seize opportunities as soon as they arise. Their onboarding procedure is very straightforward; utilizing your CV, you can enroll in their Talent pool, where new leads will consequently be related to your capability.

ClearVoice likewise permits you to pitch to clients who are accessible on their foundation straightforwardly. Payment techniques are also easy. You can set your rate and get compensated on your terms.

4. Vollna


Vollna is an exceptional and incomparable freelance writing job website. Vollna’s job opportunities combine some of the best freelance writing jobs into one by utilizing a job filter managed according to your requirements. Made by an individual specialist, you get all the most recent outsourcing positions posted on independent stages like Freelancer, Upwork, and Individuals every hour in a row to your messages or your cell phone.

5. Flexjobs


You can find a lot of options to opt for as a freelance content writer on Flexjobs — you can get yourself involved in content composition, search engine optimization, web-based entertainment, copywriting, and much much more, and from there, the sky is the limit. There is absolutely a high probability of being employed and earning from Flexjobs.

6. Fiverr


When it comes to its name, Fiverr is incredibly efficient and straightforward. It employs a large number of freelancers in different fields. With freelance writing jobs, you have a grasp over the exact thing you’re getting. Nearly every day, Fiverr updates its job posting list with freelance writing jobs for novices, content writers, and more. Definitely something to look into.

7. Working Nomads


Working Nomads is a great site that posts freelance writing jobs if you wish to earn from home, feeling cozy in your pajamas, or want to explore the globe while you write as a freelancer. Their “writing” part usually has freelance writing jobs for people who are new to marketing, advertising, and copywriting or even extremely experienced ones.

8. Upwork


Upwork connects businesses with freelancers and independent professionals, facilitating collaboration on a global scale. With a diverse pool of talented freelancers spanning various fields, including designing, writing, programming, and marketing, Upwork provides a dynamic marketplace for employers to find the right expertise for their projects.

The platform’s user-friendly interface, secure payment systems, and robust communication tools make it a go-to platform for businesses seeking flexible and skilled workforce solutions. 

9. We Work Remotely


We Work Remotely website is also a very good and suitable option for you if you want to build a career that doesn’t bind you to a specific location and are particularly interested in freelance writing jobs for beginners.

They offer a powerful segment of independent copywriting positions as well as independent positions in a vast range of different classes.

10. Journalism Jobs


Use Journalism Jobs to find entry-level freelance writing opportunities in journalism, especially if you’re focused on breaking into investigative and analytical writing. Their site offers a novel point in a particular specialty inside independent composition — one that can offer enthusiasm and enjoyment to your day-to-day composing work.


Freelance writing jobs offer a unique combination of freedom, variety, and challenges. While the lack of stability and the need for self-discipline can be daunting, the future of freelance writing looks promising. As long as writers adapt to the changing demands of the digital world and continue to hone their skills, freelance writing can provide a fulfilling and rewarding career path.

To grow more in the field of freelancing, visit our website Daily Digital Grind.


How to find freelance writing jobs?

Look for work that looks interesting and pays well by visiting job boards with daily updates. Also, look for jobs on social media and business networking sites. You can also send cold pitches to businesses and submit articles to online journals and magazines.

Are freelance writing jobs legit?

Freelance writing is a legal and viable means of earning money. Numerous people and organizations require content for different purposes, for example, site duplication, blog entries, articles, showcasing materials, and then some. Freelance journalists satisfy these requirements by giving top-notch content on an independent premise.

How much do freelance writers make on average?

Depending on their expertise and research level, more experienced writers may charge $30 to $150 or even more, while beginners may charge between $3 and $25.