Celebrating ChatGPT: A Year of Technological Disruption

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By Muhammad Hussain

On Thursday, ChatGPT, the expansive language model crafted by OpenAI, marked its first anniversary. Exactly one year ago, on November 30, 2022, ChatGPT emerged, sparking a significant disruption in the tech landscape — that captivated the attention of both tech enthusiasts and users.

ChatGPT has influenced a new set of human behaviors throughout this breakout year, demonstrating the power of a high-standard interface and the dangers of advertisement. It is found that the way people perceive and use ChatGPT has an impact on society just as much as the technology itself.


  • ChatGPT was launched on November 30, 2022. 
  • 100 million people have utilized ChatGPT every week.
  • The expected dangers of ChatGPT include lodging separation, disinformation, and voice copying.
  • There are various open doors for ChatGPT to affect education.

ChatGPT and other generative AI systems are gaining popularity. Since ChatGPT was introduced, there’s been a noticeable shift where mentioning AI has become almost necessary in articles, presentations, and conversations. OpenAI claims that ChatGPT is utilized by 100 million individuals each week.

On November 30, 2022, ChatGPT went live, promising what numerous have dubbed the breakthrough year for AI. ChatGPT became trending within days of its release. Screenshots of chats spread throughout social platforms, and ChatGPT usage escalated to a level that appears to have amazed even OpenAI, its creator. 

This application reached a peak for the fastest-growing user base for a consumer application when it reached 13 million rare customers per day in January.

Other than individuals usingChatGPT at home, workers at all levels within organizations that employ the AI chatbots are leveraging its capabilities, from frontline workers to those in the C-suite. In the technology industry, generative AI is being referred to as the largest platform since the iPhone’s 2007 launch. All the key players are placing bets on artificial intelligence, and investment in AI startups is booming.

Ronald Beghetto, an educational psychologist, posed an unusual question to a class of qualified pupils and educators to converse about their projects. Beghetto’s originality-fixated chatbots, which will soon be hosted on a program run by his organization, Arizona State University, were in conversation with them. 

In addition to speaking with one another, they conversed with the chatbots. The similar AI technology that influences the well-known and casually conversational ChatGPT serves as the foundation for the robots. Beghetto forces the bots to adopt a variety of personas in order to promote imagination, such as intentionally challenging someone’s assumptions. One student used chatbots to discuss several thesis subjects. Instructors discussed how to configure classes.

ChatGPT has started up a huge discussion — and monstrous spending — in big business programming as organizations work to carry out chatbots and different devices empowered by enormous language models. To promote generative AI-driven roles as viable career paths and to support skilled workers in the generative AI space, digital education stages have introduced a broad range of courses and scholarships. 

Organizations have likewise started making arrangements for AI utilizations that are particular from the standards encompassing other venture programming usage. 

However, the general public still hasn’t adopted AI to the same extent. By the review of 5,057 Americans conducted in August 2023, a Pew Research Study found that of those who were aware of ChatGPT, only 24% had actually utilized it. The productive Artificial Intelligence chatbot was used for amusement (20%) rather than work (16%) by those who had heard of it.

Also, ChatGPT has sparked a plethora of concerns along the way, including its potential effects on fraud, disinformation, intellectual property issues, and discrimination. In the universe of advanced education, a significant part of the conversation has encircled cheating, which has turned into an individual’s very own focal point of research this year.

Hence, as we enter the second year of this groundbreaking technology, a key lesson for all – whether users of ChatGPT or not – is to remain vigilant. This vigilance is essential when engaging with digital media of all kinds.

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