How to Make Money as a Graphic Designer?

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By Muhammad Hussain

To make money as a graphic designer involves the practice of crafting visual content to effectively convey messages. Utilizing visual hierarchy and page layout methods, it caters to the distinct requirements of users. The main objective is to focus on the logical presentation of elements in interactive designs, thereby enhancing the user experience. 

It’s a discipline where professionals create compelling visual content by leveraging typography and images in conjunction with visual hierarchy and page layouts, always keeping the user experience at the forefront.

This article explores the ways to make money as a graphic designer. 

What are the skills required for Graphic Designing?

To earn a significant income in digital design, it’s important to grasp design principles and understand the industry’s common tools. These include Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign for graphic design and Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD for UI/UX design. 

Alongside technical skills, a top-notch designer needs a strong aesthetic sense, a good grasp of color theory, an eye for typography, and a talent for layout design. Excelling in these areas can set a designer apart in a tough market, potentially leading to higher income and more opportunities.

How much money can you make as a Graphic Designer?

As per data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for 2022, the graphic designer profession reported a median annual wage of $57,990. This median wage signifies the point at which half of the workers in this field earned more while the other half earned less. Notably, the lowest 10% earned less than $35,430, while the highest 10% enjoyed annual earnings exceeding $100,920.

However, bear in mind that there are several methods to make money as a graphic designer, and not all of them pay equally. Some organizations, for example, enable you to work from home and provide advantages for being an employee. Although it is feasible to earn more money as a freelancer, it will be a slow process that will require you to invest a significant amount of time in growing your business.

How to Make Money as a Graphic Designer?

There are several ways to make money as a graphic designer. One can work as a freelancer, taking on projects from various clients. Designers can also choose to work full-time in companies that require digital design services. 

Moreover, designers can sell their designs on online platforms or create their own products using their designs. Another option is to offer design services on gig-based platforms where you can offer your skills for a set price. Given below are the best ways to make money as a graphic designer:

  • Freelancing
  • Create your own website
  • Publish the designs on Fiverr
  • Designing t-shirts
  • Design logos
  • Design covers for books and e-books
  • Designing Facebook and Twitter Ads
  • Creating Pinterest images

1. Freelancing

Working as a freelancer is the most apparent method to make money as a graphic designer. Freelancing is a way that allows you to charge multiple clients for your graphic design talents and services.

Although it will not be an easy method to generate money, graphic design work for yourself can be profitable and can lead to a full-time income. Freelancing is completely compatible with the graphic design industry. Because of the nature of the business, you can work from anywhere in the globe if you have a computer and an Internet connection.

2. Create Your Own Website

You will need a website to present your clients if you want to be a professional graphic designer. So, why not supplement your income by starting your own blog? You’ll have an advantage over the competition if you create imaginative designs and promote your material on social media.

A blog will also assist you in developing relationships with your consumers. You will be able to utilize your blog as a marketing tool if you have good and relevant material, which will help you acquire more job offers.

Also learn: Top 5 Freelancing Websites to Find Work Quickly in 2023

3. Publish the Designs on Fiverr


Don’t be fooled by the project prices; there are lots of ways to make money as a graphic designer on Fiverr. This website is well-known for paying $5 for easy jobs such as graphic design.

However, there are various methods to make a solid living as a graphic designer. So, while there is no big payoff for selling your services on Fiverr, the site is well-known, and you will be able to contact organizations that will hire you if you wow them with your abilities.

4. Designing t-shirts

If you want to work for yourself and make money as a graphic designer, starting a business designing and printing t-shirts may be the ideal solution. Today, it is usual for designers to have an internet store where they sell t-shirts, stickers, buttons, and other items.

Although stickers and buttons are inexpensive to create, banners and t-shirts are more profitable. You’ll like this concept since it has a lot of room for growth. If you’re good at designing and producing t-shirts, you could even start your own clothing line.

5. Design logos

Designing logos is one of the quickest methods to start generating money online with graphic design. Many businesses need to upgrade their logos, and many new businesses are seeking fresh logos. This is an excellent work opportunity for you.

In addition, each logo you produce will be another design in your design portfolio. Whether it’s a large corporation or a fast-growing startup, you’ll be able to clearly distinguish yourself from the competitors.

6. Design covers for books and e-books

Digital books, often known as e-books, have gained in popularity recently, particularly around 2022-23. Although you may combine this strategy with making money by creating your own books, if graphic design is your passion, you can make a solid living by focusing on this niche market.

You may collaborate with bloggers or authors to develop or update the covers for their digital publications. Furthermore, you will be able to negotiate a tiny fee on each book sale and possibly get passive revenue for your work as a designer.

7. Design Twitter and Facebook Ads

This is one of the most profitable methods to generate money performing graphic design, such as social media post design. Companies spend a lot of money on social media advertisements. Therefore, they’ll pay a lot to have a designer produce successful ads — ads that attract consumers to engage and click on your ad. 

8. Creating Pinterest Images

If you’re new to graphic design, this is a good place to start. In fact, you can combine your creativity with one of our favorite Pinterest methods to get money.

The profession entails offering and creating bespoke photos for blogs or websites that use Pinterest as a traffic generator. Best of all, the pictures you make for websites may be included in your design portfolio, which can come in handy if you are just beginning out as a graphic designer.


Digital designing offers vast opportunities for individuals to earn. The key to succeeding in this field lies in honing one’s skills, staying updated with the latest design trends, and being flexible in adapting to the changing needs of the industry. Whether you choose to freelance, work full-time, or sell your designs online, there is potential to earn a good income through digital designing if you are dedicated and passionate about your work.

For more information on how to make money online, visit our website Daily Digital Grind.


Is freelancing graphic design profitable?

Freelance graphic design is a rewarding profession. As a freelance designer, you get to work for yourself, generating work for customers you choose, and you get to produce tremendously fulfilling creative work for those clients.

Is it simple to make money as a graphic designer?

If you have an art degree and years of relevant expertise, you may find it easy to establish your freelancing career in graphic design. However, entry-level designers and those seeking a career shift may have a considerably more difficult time finding employment and projects when they initially start.

What software do the majority of graphic designers use?

Graphic designers rely on tools to make their visions a reality. Photoshop, Sketch, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects are among the top graphic design programs.